What is your purpose?

Having fun while camping with fellow motorcycle enthusiasts.

The term “BROTHERHOOD” seems very masculine, what about lady members?

When Cliff Boswell founded the club in 1973, he envisioned the term “brotherhood” to mean a fellowship of like-minded group of people who enjoy the same things getting together periodically to share their enjoyment. No disrespect to women was implied or imagined.

Is the club brand oriented?

Not at all. Members ride all kinds of bikes, from full-dress touring bikes to scooters. Members with infirmities, as well as older members, or those with family members who do not ride, often arrive in 4-wheeled vehicles or even RVs. Many folks who started camping with the IBMC on two wheels must, for whatever reason, change their mode of transportation. When it comes to a choice of coming on three, four or more wheels, or not coming, they are welcome whatever their method of getting there.

How many campouts are held each year? And how many members attend?

There can be as many or as few as members want to host. Usually there are around twenty to thirty in all parts of the USA and Canada, with one which is designated as the National Campout. There have been as many as one hundred attendees at a National, and there have been campouts where no one but the host shows up. Average attendance is usually between twenty to fifty, depending on the location, the weather, etc.

How do I host a campout?

Pick a good campsite – one you know about already – and pick a date. Be sure to check the website to make sure there is not already a campout scheduled in your area for the same dates. If there isn’t, make any reservations that are necessary, and post the campout details to the Camp Calendar. On the day the campout is to begin, show up and set up camp. It’s considered bad form for the host to miss his or her own campout. Keep a sign-in roster of attendees. When the campout is over, use the roster to include attendees’ names when you write up the report, or “Embers”. Post your Embers to the forum and be sure to include any pictures you may have taken. And most of all, have fun!

Do I have to host a campout?

No, it isn’t required. If you’d like to start small, find someone to co-host with you. Just remember, if the members don’t volunteer to host campouts, there won’t be any. This is a “do-it-yourself” organization. No one’s going to entertain you unless they want to. Anything that goes on at a campout is strictly up to the host.

Are children, pets, and visitors welcome at campouts?

Well behaved children, pets, and visitors are always welcome – many of our members started out as visitors. Bringing children to an IBMC gathering is a great way for you to introduce them to the joys of camping.

Are there any rules for the IBMC?

The only “rule” is that campers conduct themselves as they’d like to be treated, and not to disrupt other campers’ enjoyment of the outdoors. This usually means lights out and quiet after 10 p.m., no loud radios or other sound systems, and keeping children and animals under control so they won’t bother other campers.

What do I get for my dues?

You get six Campfire Rings (newsletters) plus one IBMC Handbook and Membership List each year. Upcoming campouts are listed in The Campfire Ring and the Handbook consists mostly of a list of members, arranged by state. Most members are available for contact by other members on the road. This is especially helpful if you have a problem while traveling.

How do I join?

Click here and fill out the form. You can also use the form for renewals.